So, It's exam week. I have my 7th and final theory exam tomorrow, so what am I doing you ask? blogging. I would be studying , but certain things are hindering my intake of useless knowledge about theory.
1. GNATS: These stupid little bugs have been circling around my head all week. hundreds of them. what could attract them to my lair of knowledge you ask? well, in addition to the fact that we live in a tree house, many things. Maybe these little creatures enjoy my hairspray, perhaps the smell of jewie's latkes are still wafting off of my clothing, or maybe, just maybe, these little annoyances want my beloved study snacks. All of these excuses are unacceptable. The death toll is up to 3 gnats, and it will rise soon.
2. ILLNESS: When I have to lysol my living space 3 times a day, something is wrong. All i ask is that you take meds or at least put your germy little hand to your mouth when you cough. Then walk your nasty body to the bathroom and wash said germy hand with warm water and soap. you learned this is kindergarten. Maybe your brain is filled with more important things now, like which brand of peanut butter is better than the other...but I will tell you, that knowledge will get you nothing more than a sandwich!
3. FACEBOOK: Why is the site so addictive? I find myself stalking people I haven't thought of in years. "Why hello long lost elementary school boyfriend!...300 tagged pictures!!...don't mind if i do!"...this is the best distraction! because a study break can turn into 3 hours of meaningless staring at pictures of your ex boyfriend's sister's cat who looks great in his peter pan costume that came with a matching green hat that stays secured to his head with a small piece of elastic...or just writing dumb comments on your friend's wall because you know that she too, is on facebook...and of course not studying.......GOOD LUCK ON EXAMS!!!